Blockchain Token Development | Decentralized Token Development Company

By Suffescom Solutions

April 10, 2023

Blockchain Token Development | Decentralized Token Development Company

Blockchain Tokens are the most discussed topic in cryptocurrency and the web3 platform. You may have heard of crypto token development, gaming tokens, real estate tokens and more in almost every field. These tokens with unique identities have some value in cryptocurrency. Therefore these are used to buy, sell, rent or exchange digital assets. Also, these tokens facilitate transactions and represent an investor's stake in a company or serve an economic purpose, just like legal tender. The token holders can use them to make purchases or trades just like other securities to make a profit.

If you are too interested in crypto token development for your existing blockchain-based platforms such as blockchain gaming platforms, NFT marketplace, real estate or other, you are at the right place. We are an experienced blockchain token development company. We have designed and developed various blockchain-based projects such as web3 platforms and working metaverse-related technologies where tokens are an indispensable part of the platform. With 13 years of industry experience and 5.5 blockchain experience, we are working with 250+ experienced blockchain developers.

Let’s Get Started to Learn All About Blockchain Token Development.

Blockchain Token Development Services

On the board of blockchain token development, you can avail of various blockchain token development services. Some of them include the following;

Ethereum Token Development

You can create your own ethereum token based on a smart contract and perform time-to-time auditing on various ethereum standards. Some of the Ethereum standards involve ERC-20, ERC-223, ERC-777, ERC-721, ERC-1155 etc.

Tron Token Development

You can avail of our various tron token development services and launch your TRON-based standards. You can build TRC-10, TRC-20, TRC-721 and other token standards based on your platform needs.

BEP20 Token Development

Based on your Binance blockchain technology, you can create BEP tokens and raise funds via ICO. You can also offer utility benefits to your community and exclusive community members.

Solana Token Development

Build a high-quality and entirely secure platform backed with solana blockchain technology with custom smart contracts. Our designed solana tokens are compatible with DeFi Applications, NFT marketplace, dAPps, wallets and more high-end functionality platforms.

Polygon Token Development

You can enjoy best-in-class token development services to create crypto tokens on polygon blockchain networks. You can hire experts to enjoy the benefits of lowering the cost and complexity of developing a blockchain token and improving the transaction speed on various blockchain networks.

Build Your Own Blockchain Tokens and Empower Your Business

Blockchain token development can revolutionize your business strategy. As a service provider, we empower you to build your own custom tokens and stay ahead in the game with our expertise

Characteristics of Blockchain Tokens

Blockchain tokens serve various purposes depending on their need and the purpose of design. Some of the services include DeFi (decentralized finance) functionality, blockchain-specific crypto services, and even games. All blockchain-based crypto tokens, however, have some common characteristics. They’re all:


Blockchain tokens are permission-less digital assets, meaning any individual or entity can access these tokens without specific authorization.


Blockchain tokens are designed and developed on a trustless framework. This means the blockchain they're built on isn't owned or controlled by any central authority or regulator. Also, tokens operate according to the blockchain's code and intended algorithm.


Programmability implies that Blockchain tokens run on software protocols of smart contracts that specify each token's characteristics and functionalities, in addition to its blockchain laws and guidelines.


Decentralized blockchains allow transparent transactions. As a result, all transactions and exchanges on the blockchain are publicly observable and verified by all its computer systems on its global network.

Types of Blockchain Tokens

Security Tokens

Blockchain security tokens are designed to take advantage of secure and rapid fundraising platforms. These tokens function with two-factor authentication (2FA) for a user to prove their identity in a login process.

Utility Tokens

These tokens are designed to provide more access to platform services where they are residing. The most common examples of blockchain-based utility tokens are Funfair, Basic Attention Token, Brickblock, Timicoin, Sirin Labs Token, and Golem.

Equity Tokens

Equity tokens are designed and developed to make a smart fundraising experience. These tokens reflect ownership in an underlying asset. This type of share is usually a company's shares.

Payment Tokens

These types of tokens are designed to pay inside or outside of the platform. Almost every crypto token falls into this category. Some of the common examples of these tokens involve Monero, Ethereum, and Bitcoin.

Non-Fungible Tokens

Non-fungible tokens are limited to issuance with unique identities and tokens that make them hard to copy or replicate. These could be Logan Paul’s video clips, Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey’s first tweets NFT, or unique items signed.

DeFi Tokens

Decentralized finance tokens, or, DeFi tokens, are designed to transform banks, exchanges, and other traditional financial systems by using cryptocurrencies, reducing or eliminating the need for third parties.

Metaverse Tokens

Metaverse tokens such as ApeCoin (APE), Internet Computer (ICP), Stacks (STX), and Theta Network (THETA) are designed to make digital payments within the Metaverse. Some of these currencies can only be spent in the metaverse, and they can be bought through each virtual universe's in-game store.

Why Are Blockchain Tokens Essential For Your Business?

Here Are Some Benefits of Blockchain Token Developments That Can Benefit Your Brand and Users.


Token development boosts your brand image and gives you the edge over your competitors to create a professional outlook for your brand, so whether it's a gaming platform, real estate, or other blockchain tokens gives a unique identity to every digital asset on your platform.


Blockchain tokens can be earned and exchanged on the platform. For instance, on play to earn these tokens can be exchanged among players to upgrade their level. They can exchange them for other in-built gaming assets or sell them to other players. Even for those who store these assets, the value of assets compounds over time.

More benefits in the queue involve;

  • Profitable transactions
  • Our token wallet app supports Android, IOS, Mac, & Windows
  • Intermediate free transaction
  • Smoothly trackable options
  • Confidentiality
  • Globalized immediate and safe transaction
  • Flexible interface
  • Backs Multiple Crypto tokens
  • Boundless data
  • P2P Decentralized network

Features of Blockchain Tokens


Your token will comply entirely with the concept of ERC20 means it will be compatible with the ERC20 blockchain wallet.


Blockchain technology provides token-burning features, meaning by burning tokens, you may opt to reduce circulating stocks.


Minting allows your users to produce more tokens. You can disable minting if you don’t want to produce a token.


If you wish, you can delay your token movements. It is useful to prohibit trading until all token transactions have been unfrozen.

Access to Ownership

You can enjoy complete control over tokens. Owners can mint and manage new tokens effectively.


Tokens cannot be created more than the specified limit. It ensures that people don’t create more than declared. The feature enables better control of tokens.

Create Digital Assets With Our Blockchain Token Development Services

Our blockchain token development services enable you to create valuable digital assets for your business. As a trusted service provider, we guide you through the entire process and deliver custom solutions tailored to your specific needs

Industries Leveraging Blockchain Tokens

Blockchain tokens, or, say, crypto tokens are not a new term. Many industries are using it to build a unique value for their digital assets. These industries are;

  • Tourism
  • Government
  • Education
  • Transport
  • Hospitality
  • Construction
  • Medicine
  • Energy and Electricity
  • Finance & Asset Management
  • Insurance Sector
  • E-Commerce
  • IT

Various Blockchain Platforms That Helps To Build Blockchain Tokens

Here’s a list of various blockchain technologies that our experts use to develop tokens. Find out what you want.

  • Ethereum
  • BSC
  • Hyperledger
  • Solana
  • Polygon
  • Avalanche
  • Cardno
  • Tron
  • EOS
  • Tezos

Note: Each blockchain technology varies in transaction speed and cost. Consult with our experts to know what will suit your business requirements.

Token Development Standards We Work For.

Choose a token standard to make your token a standard.

  • ERC-20
  • ERC -223
  • ERC-720/721
  • ERC - 777
  • ERC -998
  • ERC-1155


  • BEP-20
  • BEP-721
  • BEP1155
  • TRON
  • TRC-10
  • TRC-20
  • TRC-721

How Much Does IT Cost To Develop A Blockchain Token?

The cost of blockchain tokens ranges between $34000 to $70000 based on various blockchain technologies, features and functionalities, number of developers employed and other factors. The location of the blockchain token development company has a crucial role in cost.

Besides that, how long it will take to build a blockchain token solution plays a significant role in cost, especially when a Blockchain token development company is charging on an hourly basis. The longer duration project with advanced features can take 3 to 4 months for development, whereas a blockchain token with minimal features can be developed in 2 months.

Another factor that can affect your blockchain token cost is building a minimal viable product (MVP). It can cost you additionally but let you find the exact solution that you want at the end of development.

Understand our Blockchain Token Development Process

The blockchain token development process passes through various stages, from idea creation to upgrading the platform. We have curated how we implement your idea into the platform. Let’s check out the following;

Consultation And Ideation

The first step in the development process involves consultation with clients and understanding their ideas. In this step, we gather all the necessary information from clients. These involve.

  • What is your platform?
  • Why do you want a blockchain token?
  • How will it benefit users?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • What are your platform requirements?
  • What are your customers' expectations? And more based on the platform.

Technical Design And Development

Once we have all the technical information, we will start functioning to create a prototype of your platform. The MVP or prototype involves a wireframe of your platform defining how your token will function on the platform. Once the client finalized the design, our development team started functioning to turn the prototype into reality. If you ask for amendments, our designing team undergo multiple-level checks from clients until you get satisfied with the platform development.

Testing and QA Checks

When your blockchain tokens are ready, we undergo multiple levels of testing. Our special QA testing team actively works to find bugs and glitches on the platform so that our clients will get 100% safe and secure platforms. We have advanced tools to perform the same QA testing also.


When everything is fine and things are finalized after testing, we will deploy your solution on your platform. We stay with you all the way so that we can handle it safely if something goes wrong on the platform.


Designing, developing and deploying is not enough until you keep the platform upgraded all the time. Your platform needs time and effort from experts from time to time to make according to industry needs. We never leave your handle and keep you informed of your platform upgrade needs.

Build a Better Future for Your Business with Custom Blockchain Tokens

Blockchain token development is the key to building a brighter future for your business. As a leading service provider, we offer custom solutions that enable you to create and manage your own tokens, empowering you to stay ahead in the game.

Why Suffescom Solutions For Blockchain Token Development?

Suffescom Solution is a well-renowned blockchain token development company. We provide A to Z solutions from ERC 20 token development to NFT marketplace creation and selling tokens. We have a team of seasoned blockchain developers that are ready to accept and work on any crypto project. Some of our key services involve;

Blockchain Consultancy

We offer free of charge blockchain consultancy services to our clients. Our experts have knowledge of leading blockchain technologies and what will suit your business requirement, customer expectations and future scale.

Technical Support

We also support our clients in the post-development phase, which helps them deal with technical support as and when it arises.

Skilful Blockchain Developers

We have 250+ blockchain developers to execute your platform with perfection. We have already developed various blockchain-based platforms, such as the NFT marketplace, gaming platforms and ICO platforms.

Multiple Token Standards

Our blockchain developers have the expertise to execute customized multiple standard tokens like ERC, BEP, and TRC standards.

Enhanced Security

We incorporate multiple-level security testing on your platform that ensures your tokens should be of good quality and meet blockchain standards.

ICO Launch

Along with various types of token development, we build an ICO platform to raise funds for your project.

Feel free to discuss your project requirements. We are ready to share words 24*7.

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